Whether you plan to travel by car, air or foot having the right carrier and supplies will make your holiday a fun excursion with your Parrot. There are a few supplies that you will want to have regardless of the mode of travel or type of carrier. For example rope or sisal perches are the best choice since they provide better grip while you (on foot) or the vehicle are in motion. A good water bottle will prevent spills or loss of water if the carrier tips.
Some optional supplies are an avian first aid kit, moistened wipes for easy cleanup, cage top perch for out of cage time, water mister if traveling in hot weather, plastic backed paper towels to line the bottom of the carrier.
Plan a visit to your Avian Veterinarian before a long trip. If you are planning to travel abroad including the United States you will need a CITES certificate1 and proof of ownership for 90 days or longer in the form of a bill of sale, hatch certificate or letter from your veterinarian.
Consider a microchip for identification in the event that your Parrot does escape as this may be the only way to locate your Parrot should it get lost. No one ever plans for their Parrot to fly off, but it happens. Get a copy of your Parrot's medical records with your veterinarian's telephone number in case an emergency consultation is necessary while away.
Traveling can be stressful and there a few ways to help reduce the stress. Give your Parrot an avian pro-biotic every day several weeks before traveling. Clipped Parrots will take flight when frightened therefore train your Parrot to use a harness. This way you can take breaks with your Parrot outside the vehicle, camper or hotel without risking an escape. If your Parrot isn't accustomed to traveling take short trips around town in the carrier, increasing the duration each time for a few weeks before embarking on a long trip.
Car or camper – taking a road trip will require a small cage that your Parrot will be comfortable in for an extended period. The right size travel cage also makes an excellent sleep cage for home use. Naturally the cage needs to be sized to fit in the vehicle but also large enough that your Parrot can move around comfortably and high enough so its tail doesn’t touch the bottom of the carrier. If you’re traveling in a camper add a beaded curtain in the doorway. The beads will prevent your Parrot from accidentally escaping.
Always have your Parrot in the carrier and secured with bolts or the seat belt while in motion. Any sudden turn can toss your Parrot around inside of the vehicle.
Air travel – most airlines will allow Parrots in an airline approved carrier to travel in the cargo hold. Most ridged cat carriers work perfectly with a rope perch installed. If your Parrot must travel in the cargo hold they will still need to be removed from the carrier for security inspection. All our Parrots are flighted and this poses a problem so we put very little inside the carrier so the security crew can do a visual inspection without having to open the carrier. The last time I traveled with the store Caiques, Westjet would not permit food inside their carrier.
Within Canada, only Westjet allow birds in the cabin as long as they are in a carrier that will fit under the seat in front of you. They do require a soft sided carrier; even though these can collapse and are dangerous for Parrots but not for dogs or cats. We have used small travel cages and plastic cabin carriers successfully, but a word of warning; it is at the discretion of the flight crew to allow such carriers therefore bring a soft sided carrier in the event they don’t allow a plastic carrier.
Most airlines that travel to another continent require your Parrot to travel in the cargo hold. Please check with the airline of your choice before assuming your Parrot can travel at your feet. For travel in an airplane cargo hold you will need a water bottle designed for inside the carrier. Alternatively you can provide raw apple or other moist fruit on short trips lasting less than four hours.
Hiking or short trips – a small cat carrier or backpack provide a cozy solution for day trips. It’s easy to retrofit a cat carrier with a rope or sisal perch. Use a perch that secures with bolts and punch or drill a hole through the plastic in a position that is closer to the front door and just high enough that your Parrot’s tail feathers won’t touch the floor of the carrier. If you position the rope in the centre of the carrier your Parrot may end up clinging to the door to peer out. There is one carrier that opens from the top allowing more light in and a better view from inside the carrier.
Once you have the perfect carrier you’ll need to train your Parrot to use it. Some important steps to take prior to any trip or emergency are to help your Parrot become comfortable in the carrier prior to needing to use. This will reduce the stress for everyone involved.
While traveling have a routine to keep meal time and bed time on schedule. Talk to your Parrot often during the trip. Hearing your voice is reassuring and calming. Bring familiar toys and if putting a toy in a travel carrier choose ones that will not cause injury if moved abruptly inside the carrier. If your Parrot is intrigued by new toys, then try a special new toy for the trip. On the other hand, if new toys add stress then this is not the time to introduce them.
Traveling to the United States requires permits from two departments, Fish & Wildlife2 and the Department of Agriculture3. Appointments must be made with each department 72 hours in advance of the day of travel, on a weekday as these government departments are closed on weekends. The cost of the permits are approximately $120 per bird and $36 for the USDA Veterinarian appointment. Check ahead with any states you will be going through to make sure your bird is permitted to enter the state. There are several states that prohibit Quaker Parakeets. You don't want your Parrot confiscated or quarantined if you get stopped.
1 CITES application website
2 US Fish & Wildlife website
3 US Department of Agriculture website
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