A Parrot’s feet may be its most valuable appendages. Not just used for walking or climbing, they’re also great for manipulating toys, holding food, and scratching an itchy head.
Some species, such as Cockatoos or African Greys, will even hold pieces of wood in their feet as tools for grooming or play. And one big part of keeping those feet as dextrous as possible is keeping their nails trimmed. Regular nail trims by you or an avian veterinarian are one option. But in the wild, nail clippers don’t grow on trees, and yet our Parrots’ wild cousins rarely have any trouble with nail overgrowth. By climbing a wide variety of surfaces that provide friction, these wild Parrots are able to keep their nails just the right length to be perfect for any tasks they need to do for survival.
3. Grapevine
The name makes these perches sound like they come from vineyards – and they do! When an old vine is no longer producing grapes, or when some old, rough growth needs to be trimmed from the plant, pieces of them are cut and cleaned to be sold for pet care. Grapevine is naturally bumpy, knotty, and abrasive – a great way to keep many medium Parrots’ nails under control, while adding a nice jungle-like appearance to the cage.
Available in Small, Medium, and Large.
2. Safety Pumice Perch
This is a relatively new design, and it’s pretty ingenious. Available in several sizes, appropriate for little guys like Lovebirds all the way up to the largest Cockatoos, the Safety Pumice Perch features a smooth surface for the top of the perch, and rough surfaces for the sides. That way, only your Parrot’s nails are constantly in contact with the rough patches.
Available in Extra Small, Small, Medium, and Large.
1. Sand Perch
Grapevine and Pumice perches are great newer options but the Sand Perch is still the classic, and with good reason. Unlike the Safety Pumice Perch which is made of hollow plastic, the Sand Perch is made of Manzanita wood, which is very dense and hard, and it has coloured sand permanently bonded to the surface. They are extremely durable and long-lasting, and very effective nail care.
Available in Mini, X Small, Small, and Medium.
0. Cement / Concrete perch
Often sold as a cheap option at larger pet stores, concrete perches are rough and durable, so they seem like a good idea at first. They are actually quite dangerous. Concrete is a desiccant, which means it absorbs moisture, drying out the feet of any Parrot that sits on it repeatedly or for an extended period of time. The dust from concrete perches can also cause burns if it gets wet and comes into contact with your Parrot’s feet. We do not sell concrete perches. If your Parrot has one, we recommend you replace it with a safer alternative.
Even the best pedicure perch can cause some irritation if a Parrot sits on it for too long at once. For this reason, we recommend that they be placed low in the cage, ideally near a food or water dish so the perch will be used several times per day for feet and beak grooming but is not likely to be a roosting spot for sleeping or preening.
This week, enjoy 25% off all three great pedicure perches recommended in this article with coupon code BLOG5050 at checkout.