Many people assume that a Parrot's cage should be covered at night to help them sleep more soundly and feel more secure, but there are just as many who claim that their Parrots are doing fine without using cage covers.
It depends on the situation and what each Parrot is accustomed to.
Birds need an average of 12 hours of quality sleep each night to remain in peak condition. So what is quality sleep for a bird? Unlike people, their rest periods can be filled with background noise and minor distractions without disrupting their sleep. This is because they only rest half of their brain at a time; one half sleeps while the other half remains alert to these distractions in case one might be a predator. I have found that light is the primary cause of Parrots being awakened after they have gone to sleep. Some Parrots that suffer from night fright may be comforted by having a dim light during the night.
Cage covers do not help to increase the overall temperature within the cage. Parrots are not large enough to create enough body heat necessary to make a temperature difference within the cage. Parrots will adapt to their environment, so if you lower the thermostat each night your Parrots will normally be quite fine sleeping in a temperature of 15 degrees Celsius and up.
Cage covers should never be used if they appear to be causing distress. If your Parrot hisses or tries to flee when you bring this big scary sheet close to his cage, then forget it. Use heavier drapes or blinds if outdoor light is an issue or consider a smaller sleep cage that can be placed in a spare room.
We actually recommend not using cage covers if your situation allows it. Comfort and protection can easily be provided for night time and afternoon roosting simply by providing a tent or arranging perches and toys to create a protective area in the cage. An uncovered cage allows for more ventilation, especially necessary for those Parrots with lots of powder down. As they preen before roosting, this powder should not be confined to a covered cage. Here are considerations for using a cage cover.
~ Uncontrolled lights such as outdoor traffic,
~ Required to keep Parrots quiet when the sun rises,
~ If there is no other way to regulate a Parrots sleep pattern,
~ If a re-homed Parrot is accustomed to a cage cover and may have a difficult time adjusting without one.
If your own situation warrant the use of cage covers try to leave at least one side open for adequate ventilation.
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