An almond each day is one of the best treats for your Parrot because they are the richest sources of beneficial nutrients contributing to optimum health.  Even better is that almonds are delicious and readily accepted by almost all Parrots.  They are a great source of vitamin E as well as important B-complex groups, protein, fibre and minerals such as manganese, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, and selenium.  Almonds are the only nut and one of the few proteins that are alkaline forming.  So what does this mean for your bird?  Alkaline is known to benefit and strengthen the immune system, increasing the ability to stave off disease.  It creates an undesirable environment for unhealthy cells. 

The calcium and phosphorous strengthen bones, prevent damage to the arteries and heart thereby reducing heart problems.  Vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant, seeks out all the damaging free radicals in the body and eliminates them.  Almonds contain two essential fatty acids that promote healthy skin and the presence of manganese, copper and riboflavin in almonds helps in energy production.

Almonds also contain vital brain nutrients, calcium, riboflavin and L-carnitine, which have been shown to increase brain activity and have a positive effect on neural activity.  African Grey parrots that are deficient in these nutrients are prone to seizures. 

Compared to all other nuts, almonds are the most packed with nutrients and beneficial components.  They also provide your Parrot big or small with foraging activity.  Simply provide a cracked shell almond to medium or small Parrots that are not able to break it with their beak or remove some of the shell for even smaller Parrots to allow them to pick out the nut meat.

All almonds are required to be sterilized.  Sterilization is done by pasturizing or by spraying with a known carcengen.  The majority of almonds imported into Canada are from Europe where it is more common to spray rather than pasturize almonds.  The Canadian Food & Drug Agency do not expect humans to put the shell of the almond into their mouth and therefore do not see any risk with the use of a carcengen for sterilization.  Parrotdise Perch does not sell almonds that have been sprayed.